The Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) gives you direct access to your health care dollars and the benefit of reimbursing you for eligible out-of-pocket costs healthcare costs.
Beginning January 1, 2024, the administration of the PreMedicare Sandia Total Health HRA accounts for UHC and BCBSNM participants will be administered by Inspira Financial.
*PayFlex is changing its name to Inspira Financial. You do not need to take any action with this change. If you have a debit card for the HRA with a PayFlex logo, the debit card will continue to valid through the expiration date shown on the card. Your login credentials also remain the same. If you need to access our program information or login to your account, please visit You may also visit directly to log into your PayFlex account. If you have questions about your PayFlex/Inspira account, please contact them directly at 1-844-729-3539.
Kaiser will continue to administer the HRA for Kaiser participants.
Your 2024 annual HRA funds will be with Payflex, and you will receive a new debit card from Inspira Financial to access these funds.
Please review your HRA account balance with UHC and Benefit Wallet for BCBSNM to verify that if you have 2023 funds remaining. Any unused funds, up to the allowed amount, will be rolled over to the Inspira Financial account in April 2024. 2024 funds will be available for use with Inspira Financial in early January.
If you have 2023 HRA funds, remaining as of December 31, 2023, you can continue to submit requests for reimbursement of funds with your previous HRA provider up until March 31, 2024. You will not be able to pay for these claims with your HRA debit card. If you need assistance with submitting a request, please contact UHC or BCBSNM directly.
You can use your tax-free HRA to help pay for eligible out-of-pocket medical, prescription drug, dental, hearing, vision, and other IRS 213(d) eligible expenses.
Each year Sandia automatically funds your HRA based on your coverage level:
Retiree Only: $250
Retiree + Spouse or Child(ren): $500
Retiree + Spouse and Children(ren), up to a family Max: $750
For more information, please visit PayFlex’s webpage
Note: If you decided to switch from the Sandia Total Health PPO to the Sandia HDHP during Open Enrollment and you have funds remaining in your current HRA, you will need to use those funds for services provided by December 31, 2023, or you will forfeit the balance. You will have until March 31, 2024 to submit a claim for reimbursement. At that time, any unused amounts will be forfeited.
HRA Funds and Medicare
If you have HRA funds remaining when you become Medicare-Eligible at age 65 or due to a disability, these funds will transfer to your PreMedicare spouse or dependents that are enrolled in the Sandia Total Health PPO plan.
If you do not have an enrolled PreMedicare spouse or dependent in the Sandia Total Health PPO plan, these funds will be forfeited.
Note: The funds transfer is a manual process that can take 60-90 calendar days to ensure that any claims incurred before becoming Medicare Eligible are paid with any remaining HRA funds. If you are transitioning to Medicare at the end of the year, be aware that the funds transfer may not be completed until April 30th.
Via Benefits from Willis Towers Watson
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